Just in time for the election season, we are pleased to unveil the apps produced from the Civic*Celerator competition! Our goal is to equip voters with tools to help them understand who is funding political campaigns. Listed below–in no particular order– are brief descriptions of the apps and their links. We look forward to your feedback.
APP LIST (quick links):
For more details on each app see APP PROFILES (below). The full listing of Beta apps can found at the end of this post.
Candidate filing information: http://civic-celerator.maps.arcgis.com
Precincts Map/Power Ballot: http://civic-celerator.maps.arcgis.com/apps/OnePane/basicviewer/index.html?appid=eabd4dbf3fcb48468cd92587b2d8729c
Hawaii Campaign Spending Data: http://viz.hawaiicampaignspending.com/
Funding a Hawaii State Legislature Race: http://commoncausehawaii.github.io/leg_campaigns/ (new url)
Kohoike.org: a Search Application for the Hawaii State Campaign Spending Commission Contributions Database: kohoike.org
Title: Candidate Filing Information
Team Leader: Royce Jones
Description: Combines The Office of Elections’ candidate filing data and the Campaign Spending Commission’s campaign finance data in a web map application.
Link: http://civic-celerator.maps.arcgis.com
Title: Precincts Map/Power Ballot
Team Leader: Royce Jones
Description: Allows users to find their voting precincts and see which offices will be on their ballot. Also provides a link to the “Funding a Hawaii State Legislature Race” app. New Feature: Power Ballot. Once you find your voting location, you can use the Power Ballot, which is an interactive ballot where you can find information about candidates and ballot initiatives in one convenient place.
Title: Hawaii Campaign Spending Data
Team Leader: Jason Axelson
Team Members: Jill Misawa, Kyle Oba
Description: Provides voters and the general public with an intuitive view of how Hawaii lawmakers are utilizing their campaign funds.
Link: http://viz.hawaiicampaignspending.com/

(Click on the image to view the GIF)
Title: Funding a Hawaii State Legislature Race
Team Leader: Ben Trevino
Team Members: David Wang, Alex Bergo, Viil Liid
Description: Provides a detailed look at contributions made to each legislative race for the last 4 election periods. The app visually organizes the contribution and fundraiser data on a timeline and also groups contributions by contributor type.
Link: http://commoncausehawaii.github.io/leg_campaigns/ (new url)
Title: Kohoike.org: a Search Application for the Hawaii State Campaign Spending Commission Contributions Database
Team Leader: Rich Halverson
Team Members: Davis Kurihara-Nakasu, UH Shidler’s ITM 352 class and the ITMA Club
Description: Kohoike.org is a website that provides a search interface to the contributions portion of the Hawaii state campaign commission database. It aggregates both individual and noncandidate committee donor history by candidate and election period, and provides several different search forms and output choices.
Link: kohoike.org
To view Beta Apps, click here.
Civic*Celerator is the first program of its kind in the country and we need you to help make it a success. Please share these apps to help us get the word out and ensure that programs such as these will continue.
Civic*Celerator is brought to you in partnership by: Common Cause Hawaii & Hawaii Open Data, and is generously funded by Voqual.
Contact: ctanida@commoncause.org
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